Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Whatfood Makes Your Voice Sweet

Commission Commission Adventures Adventures in Tomb Raiding 2

I finally managed to finish another illustration, as this has been paid to me I had to park again they had begun.

already in 2008 made the first part of this picture (http://veika.deviantart.com/gallery/ # / d2jqjzq) Since I really liked it in its day but I have enjoyed this more, I love the Egyptian theme in this case on the goddess Bastet. I could overload the background, as I like. Well, I hope you notice the improvement, there are two years apart and the first is colored with Photoshop and the second with Sai.

Although it is quite boring to paint all those symbols in wall is great to play a poquitillo with light and see how the colors. It is very complicated but I think I'm taking small steps, but not coloring a lot lately, I am fully involved in drawing vector for graphic design, which is amazing but very mathematical, rigid and completely different than this in terms of procedures and way of working, I always liked the freedom that I get the pixels if they have all these problems rasterization and sizes.


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