Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Crazy Things Sororities Make You Do


An illustration hyper fast, I drew and inked almost the same evening. I was looking at pictures of J. Scott Campbell while into a genius, his drawings left me open-mouthed. Of course the mine is crap next to him, it goes without saying ...

At first it was a full-page illustration with his diner, but became design perhaps out of laziness, I think it is in design for shirts, but I have left a void on the left. And as I have many drawings I started this ink left and I gave him only a few passes of digital color, like the lineart has more weight I have not bothered much in color. This inking with pens Staedtler Ultrathin lifetime. The inking alone I love it but I can not help coloring almost everything I do so I have both versions, and also the video (which is regular because of codecs I'm wrong, I will try reuploaded)

[Audio: "The dat That Never Comes "- Metallica (Death Magnetic)]


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