Today in the information society we hear in our daily lives on electronic signature and digital signature and most likely use them one more than another depending on our work and social environments. But most certainly do not know its definition, its use, its usefulness, advantages and benefits provided to our information society.
Everyone at some point in our lives use electronic signatures when accessing financial services or use the services of the Internet. Signed electronically with our PIN to withdraw money from an ATM, when we consult our balance by the network or over the phone, to make payments and / or online transactions, to join our e-mail account, sending emails, the chat, to enter or Fecebook Twiter.
In our country the law 527 of 1999 valid legal and evidentiary data messages in any context where it develops the functional equivalence as the fundamental principle of data messages, using the media with full legal validity and probation.
We can say that electronic signature is the genus and species is the digital signature, where the latter is a form of electronic signatures such as biometric signature between others.
As stated by Dr. Erick Arias Rincón, electronic signature is a technical device both reliable and appropriate to identify a person with an information system, in that the digital signature a mathematical procedure that can uniquely identify a person by electronic means, the two may have the same legal effect, the big difference is of probative value, while that electronic signatures must try many things, the digital signature has built-in attributes like authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation which need not prove, thanks to the trusted third party created by the Act.
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